Mobility and Communication Overload in Financial Market Professionals: The more the better?




Tecnologias móveis. Sobrecarga de comunicação. Profissionais financeiros.


The organizational environment is increasingly embedded with technologies, and mobile technologies, positioned in this environment, are ones that transform the landscape of managers, bringing facilities and challenges at the same time. The intense integration of their activities with mobile technologies brings high connectivity and availability. The device is presented as an open door through which professionals are always available to contact, regardless of their choice. This study sought to understand the communication overload through mobile technologies within the professional’s tasks. Through a study with 11 financial market professionals, it was possible to deepen in some aspects, with the instant notifications being the most talked about, not only in the professional but also on a personal level. There was also emphasis on the impacts of the fact about being constantly connected, and that technology ends up to deliver own ways of managing the issues that it has itself raised.


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How to Cite

Marcolin, C. B., Freitas, H., Behr, A., & Martens, C. D. P. (2016). Mobility and Communication Overload in Financial Market Professionals: The more the better?. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies, 8(1), 31–59.

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