Technology Transfer and Human Capital in the Industrial 4.0 Scenario: A Theoretical Study




Industry 4.0, Strategic Management, Human Resources, Technology Transfer, Human competencies


In face of the technological changes derived from Industry 4.0, an initial, gradual and complex process of Technology Transfer (TT) is taking place that strongly relies on the integration between university, industry, and government. In this context, in order to make the Industry 4.0 approach a reality, several requirements need to be met. One of them is the need to qualify people to work in industries. This study aimed to explore the possible changes and perspectives of human work in Industry 4.0. A systematic literature review was carried out following a structured script. 50 were chosen for content analysis, following criteria for qualification and selection of studies. As a result, a number of changes in human skills and tasks, as well as job prospects, were found, standing out the greater flexibility of people, ability for decision-making, among others.


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Biografia do Autor

Vander Luiz Silva, Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR

Master in Production Engineering from Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR, Ponta Grossa, (Brazil). Researcher in the Technology Transfer Management Group

João Luiz Kovaleski, Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR

PhD in Industrial Instrumentation, University of Grenoble I, (France).Professor in the Post-graduate Program in Production Engineering at UTFPR.

Regina Negri Pagani, Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR

PhD in Production Engineering from UTFPR and Sorbonne Universités in (France).


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Como Citar

Silva, V. L., Kovaleski, J. L., & Pagani, R. N. (2019). Technology Transfer and Human Capital in the Industrial 4.0 Scenario: A Theoretical Study. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies [FSRJ], 11(1), 102–122.




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