Characteristics, research focuses and trends on leadership in project management: a bibliometric analysis


  • Ítalo Paula Casemiro Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro -  UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro, (Brasil)
  • Maxwel De Azevedo-Ferreira Universidade do Grande Rio - UNIGRANRIO, Rio de Janeiro, (Brasil)



Bibliometrics, Project management, Leader


Objective: The scientific literature highlights the fundamental role that leadership plays in project management. Bearing in mind the relevance of leadership in project management, this study aims to map the scientific production on the subject of leadership, within the scope of project management.

Method: The study was conducted through a bibliometric analysis of 789 articles obtained from the Web of Science database. presents a series of indicators and trends predominant in research on leadership in projects. The studies were analyzed with the aid of the Bibliometrix R-tool and VosViewer software, through bibliometric indicators.

Main Results: The study highlights a growing number of publications, especially focused on leadership competencies. The United States is the leading country in terms of production, and the International Journal of Project Management is the most widely used publication on this topic. The thematic analysis identified some thematic groupings, with emphasis on basic/traditional themes, such as innovation, change management and project team and; driving themes such as sustainability, teamwork and more recent ones, such as continuous improvement in projects.

Relevance/Originality: The survey presents an overview of research on leadership in project management, offering important insights into these two areas of knowledge: leadership and project management.

Theoretical Contributions: This document offers managers and those interested in project leadership a useful basis for the development of leadership programs and future research on the subject, within the scope of project leadership.


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Author Biographies

Ítalo Paula Casemiro, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro -  UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro, (Brasil)

Acreano, native of Rio Branco. Master's degree in Business Administration by the Master's Program in Administration of the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR) (2014), where he analyzed the presence of contents on diversity management in the curricula of the bachelor's degree courses in Administration of Federal Universities of Brazil. postgraduate degree as a fellow in the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES.

Maxwel De Azevedo-Ferreira, Universidade do Grande Rio - UNIGRANRIO, Rio de Janeiro, (Brasil)

Doutorando em Administração pela Universidade do Grande Rio - UNIGRANRIO, Rio de Janeiro, (Brasil).


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How to Cite

Casemiro, Ítalo P., & Azevedo-Ferreira, M. D. (2023). Characteristics, research focuses and trends on leadership in project management: a bibliometric analysis. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies, 16(1), e768.



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