Scenario of scientific publications on international acquisitions in emerging markets: a bibliometric analysis
Methodi Ordinatio, Agenda of future studies, BibliometricsAbstract
Objective: This work sought to investigate the behavior of the international scientific literature on the international acquisitions of EMNEs, in order to identify the themes that are emerging within the segment.
Originality: This study sheds light on some contributions. First, it contributes to a better understanding of the stock of knowledge accumulated on the international acquisitions carried out by EMNEs. Second, in a field such as strategy and international business that has authors from various disciplines, it is essential to periodically review its evolutionary path.
Method: To achieve this objective, this work was supported by the bibliometric method based on the works found on the Web of Science platform.
Result: Through the results obtained, it was possible to verify the most relevant countries, authors, articles and journals in the area. As well as the co-citation network and journals most cited in the references. Finally, the article presents an agenda to guide future research.
Conclusion: It was possible to conclude that the research published recently was about innovation and cultural distance and no longer about the adequacy of the entry mode, as was the case at the beginning of the analysis. There was a predominance of studies that use institutional theory to anchor their research.
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