Data gathering for actor analyses: A research note on the collection and aggregation of individual respondent data for MACTOR


  • Gareth H Rees University of Otago
  • Stephen MacDonell University of Otago



Actor analysis, Actor data collection, MACTOR, Foresight, Health workforce forecasting


The augmentation of future studies with data on actors and their interactions is suggested as a means to reduce uncertainty and to account for extreme or unexpected future outcomes due to the involvement of multiple actors and their competing perspectives and options. In the context of New Zealand’s health workforce forecasting environment, this research note presents a systematic method to gather and aggregate actor data developed for a recent foresight study. The method identifies the issues encountered and solutions developed when gathering data from time poor respondents representing diverse and sometimes oppositional actors, and for the coding and aggregation of these data for use in LIPSOR’s actor analysis tool, MACTOR. Worked examples are provided to demonstrate the method’s application with the software.


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Biografia do Autor

Gareth H Rees, University of Otago

PhD Student in Health Workforce Forecasting at the University of Otago.New Zealand

Stephen MacDonell, University of Otago

Professor in the Department of Information Science, Otago Business School, University of Otago.


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Como Citar

Rees, G. H., & MacDonell, S. (2017). Data gathering for actor analyses: A research note on the collection and aggregation of individual respondent data for MACTOR. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies [FSRJ], 9(1), 115–137.